Prepared by The Cottage Company. For further information contact the City of Langley:
PO Box 366, Langley, WA 98260 (360) 221-4246. Some words abbreviated.
RS5000 Zone, Residential Single Family (minimum lot size 5,000 SF), and
RS7200 Zone, Residential Single-Family (minimum lot size 7,200SF)
Conditional Uses includes "Cottage Housing".
All development required to connect to city water and sewer system.
Cottage Housing
The following regulations apply to Cottage Housing Developments (CHDs):
A . Density and minimum lot area.
1. In CHDs the permitted density shall be one dwelling unit per 2,904 SF of lot area (15/acre).
2. The minimum lot area for a CHD shall be 11,616 square feet.
3. On a lot to be used for a CHD, an existing detached single-family residential or duplex structure, which may be nonconforming with respect to the standards of this section, shall be permitted to remain, but the extent of the nonconformity may not be increased.
B. Height limit and roof pitch.
1. The height limit permitted for structures in CHDs shall be 18 feet.
2. The ridge of pitched roofs with a minimum slope of six to twelve may extend up to 25 feet. All parts of the roof above eighteen feet shall be pitched.
C. Lot coverage and floor area.
1. The maximum lot coverage permitted for all structures in CHD shall not exceed 40%.
2. The maximum first floor or main floor area for an individual principal structure in a CHD shall be as follows:
a. For at least 50 percent of the units, the floor area may not exceed 650 SF.
b. For no more than 50 percent of the units, the floor area may be up to 800 SF.
3. The total floor area of each cottage shall not exceed either 1.5 times the area of the main level or 975 square feet, whichever is less.
D. Yards.
1. Front Yards. Shall be an average of 10 feet and at no point shall be less than 5 feet.
2. Rear yards. The minimum rear yard shall be 10 feet.
E. Required open space.
1. A minimum of 400 SF per unit of common open space is required.
2. At least 50% of the cottage unit shall abut the common open space, all of the cottage units shall be within 60 feet walking distance of the common open space, and the common open space shall have cottages abutting at least two sides.
F. Parking
1. One and one quarter (1.25) spaces per dwelling unit shall be required.
2. Location. Parking shall be on the CHD property. Parking may be in or under a structure or outside a structure, provided that: Parking is screened from direct street view by one or more street facades, by garage doors, or by a fence and landscaping; not be located in the front yard; between structures is only allowed when it is located toward the rear of the principal structure and is served by an alley or private driveway; may be located between any structure and the rear lot line of the lot or between any structure and a side lot line which is not a street side lot line.
G. Design Review.
Cottage housing developments are subject to design review per the requirements set forth in Chapter 18.34 of this code.