On June 12, 2000 the City of Shoreline (WA) City Council adopted the following development code provision permitting "cottage housing" in all R-6 (standard single family zone - minimum 7,200 SF lot size) zones subject to a Conditional Use Permit. The City of Shoreline does not have a Design Review process, and to increase the likelihood of cottage housing compatible with existing residential areas it was intended for this code section to be somewhat prescriptive. All wording in italics is information from The Cottage Company and not in the code provision For more information contact the City of Shoreline Department of Planning and Development Services (206) 546-1811. On March 23, 2003 the City of Shoreline repealed the Cottage Housing Development Code. Currently, the City of Shoreline does not permit cottage housing.
Cottage Housing
1. The total floor area of each cottage unit shall not exceed 1,000 square feet (space over 6 feet). The maximum first floor or main floor area for an individual cottage housing unit shall be as follows:
2. The following number of cottage housing units shall be allowed in place of each single family home allowed by the density of the zone: (R6 zone requires minimum 7,200 SF lot)
3. Cottage homes shall be developed in clusters of minimum 4 to a maximum of 12 homes.
4. The height limit for all structures shall not exceed 18 feet. The ridge of pitched roofs with a minimum slope of 6 to 12 may extend up to 25 feet. All parts of the roof above 18 feet shall be pitched. (Heights intended to allow maximum one and one half story homes - not two story skinny homes. A proposed 75% of roofs to be a minimum 4 to 12 pitch was not approved.)
5. Cottage home units shall be oriented around and have covered porches or main entry from the common open space. Common open space must be at least 250 square feet per cottage home.
6. Cottage homes shall have a covered porch at least 60 square feet in size.
7. All structures shall maintain 10 feet of separation within the cluster.
8. Parking spaces for each cottage home unit shall be provided as follows:
9. Parking spaces shall be:
10. Setbacks for all structures from the property lines shall be an average of 10 feet, but not less than 5 feet, except 15 feet from a public street. (Cottage housing is developed as condominiums - not allowed as small lot subdivisions. The Owner's Association maintains all buildings. Condominium Plan allows owners exclusive rights to private yard similar to home interiors.)